Empire State of Mind… New York Explorations-Part One

New York is known for being a city that never sleeps, constantly on the move, like we in India speak of Bombay/Mumbai. But New York is alive, in the day, in the evening, at noon and at midnight. Brimming with energy, there is never a dull moment. And though this is not my first time here, it has been a discovery like no other. Here are a few glimpses of the city.

Lockdown Loneliness: Keeping yourself afloat during a pandemic

I have been planning to write a new post for at least 2 months now. But the subject keeps changing. In January, I thought I would write about my relaxing winter break in India. In February, I thought I could write about the difference between the Interpreter Course that I'm doing now and CFL training, …

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Winter in Washington: A cold, sunny day in the American capital

Once in a blue moon, a work opportunity presents itself that also leaves you enough time to explore the place you are visiting. The last time I had such a work trip was Davos in January 2018. This time, it was New York and Washington D.C. in December 2019, just a week ago, thus giving …

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Houston, do you copy?

This is going to be a short one. Just when I thought was back in the grind of studying interpretation after a long summer break, something came along and pulled me right out. As you are perhaps aware, the Prime Minister of India visited the United States last week and it generated quite a lot …

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Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 4-The finale

After having been on the move and living out of a suitcase for nearly 20 days, it becomes hard to keep track of date and time. My family had barely a week remaining in the US and we still had the last leg of our travelling to do: Napa Valley and San Francisco. This time …

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Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 3, the New York edition

When you visit a city that many call the greatest city on Earth, you want to spend as much time writing about it as you spend exploring it. So fair warning, this is a #longread.  2876 words to be precise. You know what's as tiring as driving 1000 kilometres? Flying over 4500 kilometres. Driving to New York was, of …

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Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 2

The part that I looked forward to most about the trip with my parents, was driving. Not only because it had been a while since we undertook a road trip together, but also because I hadn't had the chance to drive my first car for such long distances. The maximum I had driven at a …

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Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 1

As Indians we are very proud, almost arrogant, about how big our country is. But when you live in the United States and get to travel around, you realise your country is big, but some others are bigger. While it still doesn't diminish the uniqueness of India's glorious diversity and vastness, one must admit that …

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Sleepless in Seattle

The title of this post could be nothing other than what it is. When I think Seattle, I think of the movie, which I haven't watched by the way, but I really like the alliteration. In the past, I have probably never been to a city knowing so little about it. All I knew was that …

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California 101

This is a short one, but deserves to be shared. When I was in junior college in Bombay, Zee Café used to broadcast an American teen drama called the O.C. The opening track of the show was a song titled "California", by a band called Phantom Planet. About a month ago, one of my best …

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