Lockdown Loneliness: Keeping yourself afloat during a pandemic

I have been planning to write a new post for at least 2 months now. But the subject keeps changing. In January, I thought I would write about my relaxing winter break in India. In February, I thought I could write about the difference between the Interpreter Course that I'm doing now and CFL training, …

Continue reading Lockdown Loneliness: Keeping yourself afloat during a pandemic

Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 1

As Indians we are very proud, almost arrogant, about how big our country is. But when you live in the United States and get to travel around, you realise your country is big, but some others are bigger. While it still doesn't diminish the uniqueness of India's glorious diversity and vastness, one must admit that …

Continue reading Gahlots in Amreeka-Part 1